The church where Jesus is Lord!

Matthew 11:28-30(KJV)
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Dena S. Jobes is the Senior Pastor of Haven of Rest, Sanctuary of Praise, Inc., in Baltimore, Maryland, and Presiding Prelate of Haven of Rest Fellowship of Ministries. She is the Founder of One In Spirit, One In Mind Intercessory Prayer Ministry. She is the Founder and President of Dena Jobes Ministries, a worldwide deliverance ministry to the Body of Christ; and oversee's a thriving, vivacious and growing Women’s Ministry in Dover, Delaware. Bishop Dena Jobes served on the Executive Board of the Christian Women in Ministry Fellowship, Inc. She has been mandated by the Father to “set the captives free.” She loves God’s people and desires to bring them out of religion and into relationship with the Father. Bishop Jobes is a Shepherd after God’s own heart and a stupendous leader of leaders. This powerful handmaiden of God speaks with authority and her exhilarating messages are filled with wisdom as she moves in a sensational anointing under the power of the Holy Spirit. Endowed with great perception, spiritual depth, and wisdom, God has chosen her for such a time as this. Because of the magnitude of spiritual gifts that God has entrusted to her, signs, wonders and miracles follow her ministry.

Over 40 years ago, Bishop Dena Jobes accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior. She received the Lord in His fullness, acknowledging the gifts of the Holy Spirit under the guidance of Dr. Dennis Golphin at the Believer’s Haven Fellowship, which was later named Choice Manna Family Worship Center. Under the tutelage of Dr. Golphin, she received spiritual training and guidance and served in many capacities in the church.
Bishop Jobes, who is known as Pastor Dena, is widely recognized as a mighty prayer warrior, anointed with the gift of intercession. As she became intuitively aware that God was grieved over many of the conditions in the corporate church, she acquired an inconceivable intense burden for the church, preparing herself for the responsibility of helping to heal and restore the church. She spends countless hours crying out before God for the Body of Christ and for world conditions.
Bishop Jobes' association with anointed vessels who had international ministries opened doors for her to be able to cover many areas in foreign countries, including Barbados, Antigua, Granada and Trinidad. She has been able to share the unusual anointing and ministry that God has placed upon her life with many in the East Coast of the United States as well. Many have been set free, delivered, and healed through the persevering and steady prayers and unwavering faith of this servant of God. She is a unique gift that has been given to the Body of Christ to aggressively and boldly take a stand against the Kingdom of Darkness, bringing those that are lost into the Kingdom of Light through the power of prayer. She stands firmly on the truth that Jesus Is Lord!
Overseer Jobes has a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Logos Bible College and Graduate School and she is a graduate of World Harvest College in external studies. She has received many awards and certificates for various religious and secular endeavors.
She has been married to Elder Albert S. Jobes for over forty-eight years. They walk together, harmoniously, serving their King by sharing the Infallible Word of God. They are one in spirit and one for the Kingdom of God in all aspects of ministry and leadership. Blessed, precious and beautiful children have been given to them. Zabrina, Jonte and Bianca serve in the household of faith at Haven and her sons Ronnie and Donnell reside in Georgia. She is also graced by God to have a faithful loving daughter-in-law, Jacqueline Jobes and three unique grandchildren; Jonte Jr., Jasmine and Jessica Jobes. To God be the Glory.